May 25, 2008
ishermen of Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-vie

After the fishermen of Sables d'Olonne (Vendée), the fishermen of Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-vie (Vendée), meeting Sunday, May 25, decided to lift the blockade of that port, started eight days earlier. "The proposals by Mr Barnier [Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries] are likely to ease things and we provide diesel to 40 cents" per litre, against 75 currently, "said Francis Charrier, secretary of local committee Fishery. Some 70 trawlers and nets were to resume Wednesday in the day, "said Charrier, stating that Saint Gilles was the only port des Pays-de-la-Loire that has not yet decided to lift the blockade or strike.
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"Michel Barnier promised to fishermen diesel fuel at 40 cents permanently"
Facts The fishermen of Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie in turn lift the blockade
The facts distributors fuels threaten to turn a strike
The facts fishermen from the port of Sables-d'Olonne "suspend" their strike
Facts On fuel prices, major problem for the Elysée
Télézapping The fishermen want to be heard
The facts carriers, farmers and fishermen mobilized
A Cherbourg (Channel), fishermen have decided Sunday to maintain the blockade until another meeting Monday, but "it s'apaise slowly," according to the chairman of the local fisheries, Daniel Lejuez.
In Calvados, "all ports remain blocked from Port-en-Bessin, where stalls were empty, however, the Sunday market port Sunday morning," said a gendarme of the operational centre of the department. "Ouistreham, Grandcamp and Courseulles - on-sea, the fishermen leave boaters return to port but not out. A Ouistreham, they control systematically seeking fish all trucks fridges are descended from car-ferry which accuse some delay but are not blocked, " he added.
The general meetings are planned Monday in particular in Boulogne-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais), the first french fishing port, Le Guilvinec (Finistère), the first artisanal fishing port french, Lorient (Morbihan), the second fishing port french tonnage, Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine), Granville (UK) or La Rochelle, ports still on strike or blocked
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