May 25, 2008
Mobilization reduced teachers, students, parents

Mobilization reduced teachers, students, parents
housands of people marched Saturday in major French cities against the 11200 job cuts planned this year in National Education, which the Minister of Education remains inflexible.
The FSU, the first union of National Education has announced about 40,000 demonstrators, including 7,000 to 8,000 in Paris. The Interior Ministry has accounted for its share 18,400 demonstrators throughout France.
With 6,500 participants according to police, Nantes event has attracted the most, followed by Paris (4000), Toulouse (2000), Rennes (930) and Lyon (800).
On 15 May, 50,000 to 60,000 people had marched in Paris, according to the unions, which had announced several hundreds of thousands of demonstrators in total.
"This is less than 18 or 15 but obviously it is the fourth day of action in ten days", told Reuters the secretary general of the FSU, Gerard Aschieri.
"In these circumstances, we are satisfied, it makes us think there is a mobilization that is able to endure," he added.
The unions are to meet early next week to decide on the action of the movement, probably Tuesday, he added.
"With the tray and the holidays approach, we have a forced timetable but there is space to do things", said Gerard Aschieri. "The discontent and expectations are still there and will be there at the beginning unless the government moves."
Nineteen organizations, unions, teachers, students and parents associations had called a scroll in major cities.
To the question of job cuts has grafted the announcement of a possible generalization of a "minimum service" host in schools, seen by unions as a violation of the right to strike.
The secretary general of the Unsa-Education, Patrick Gonthier, had called on union members to "increase pressure", holding that the abolition of posts reached a "critical threshold" and that "the functioning of institutions is reached."
The fear of a deterioration of education-related non-replacement this year of 8,800 professors from colleges and high schools starting to retire prompted thousands of schoolchildren in the streets. But the movement has délité in mid-May after the announcement by Education Minister Xavier Darcos, assistance to students.
Since the conflict began, the minister says that the quality of education does not depend on the number of teachers.
A high school student french cost 22% more expensive than the average for OECD countries and follows 30% of class hours over but the results remain poor, he stressed on many occasions.
In a letter to unions, Xavier Darcos assured Monday that reforms to come, including that of high school, would result in better service to students and improved career development and working conditions of teachers.
In late 2007, the Ministry of Education had 1065 million civil servants, including about 840,000 teachers. Among them are 415,000 teachers in secondary schools and 320,000 in the primary.
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