Apr 27, 2008
Health raises the alarm of the food consumed, girasol accepted after finding a departure contaminated

Health raises the alarm of the food consumed, girasol accepted after finding a departure contaminated
Bernat Soria cometh in the morning Congress to explain how his department has directed the alert for the commercialization of this product
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Health raises the alarm of the food consumed, girasol accepted after finding a departure contaminated
Health guarantees that fall without effect the recommendation to the population to avoid the consumption of oil, girasol lanzada el viernes. / Reuters
The Ministry of Health and Consumer guarantees that fall without effect the recommendation to the population to avoid the consumption of oil, girasol and that "all of the accepted girasol that morning will be a la venta en los establecimientos distribution of the proceeds of Ukraine."
In spite of requesting the interruption of the consumption and the sale and distribution of oil, provided they girasol knowledge, this Friday, the existence of a departure with trazas of contamination by hydrocarbons coming from Ukraine, Health has informed that night that "the health authorities and those responsible for the sector have successfully completed the process of collection and replacement of insurance product in the chain of distribution. "
The Minister of Health and Consumption, Bernat Soria, ofrecerá una rueda de prensa morning on "the process that has puesto fin a la food alert issued el viernes." Also this week in the full Congress to own request to explain how his department has directed the alert for the commercialization of this accepted, sources have announced that this department.
Health has pointed out in its release that "both los responsables del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo as quieren los representantes del sector emphasize the total coordination with the one that has been developed this process under conditions of speed, efficiency and transparency". In every moment has acted with the only goal of "the protection of the health of consumers from exceeding any other interest and under the strict principle of precaution," added the ministry.
A departure coming from Ukraine
La Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria developed el pasado viernes a los ciudadanos the consumption of oil, girasol after having detected contamination by hydrocarbons in llegadas departures of Ukraine.
The European Commission (EC), which confirmed the existence of accepted in France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Spain, explained that, according to the analysis carried out, the risk ante if their consumption situaba en el nivel bajo most of the European scale, pues no pone en peligro human health.
The company was the French Saipol that importó by the French port of Sète sureño a departure of 2,600 tonnes of oil-contaminated girasol coming from Ukraine, which sent them to Spain 125, according to French official sources.
A spokesperson of the Directorate-General of the Represión fraud explained that Saipol supo que ese el pasado martes Loading-who had arrived in the Sète in the February-March was adulterated, and it comunicó al siguiente day after French authorities, which block decidieron immediately all the lots.
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