Apr 26, 2008

Today ends the application deadline retail investors buying OPV ops and Itinere
Today concludes the period of purchase applications for retail investors in the initial public offering (IPO) and the public offering of subscription (ops) from the highway concessionaire Itinere.
After closing date of acceptance for retail investors, on Monday April 28 will determine the final sales prices and entities placement may exercise its right to buy or 'green shoe', as has today confirmed the company said in a note sent to the Commission Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV).
On April 30 the process will culminate put into circulation at 150 million shares for the IPO and 88.2 million-ops to 32.2 percent of capital of the company.
These titles will be divided into three tranches, one retailer, which will be allocated 83.37 million shares, 35 percent of the bid and another for foreign institutional investors, who have won titles 119.1 million, 50 per percent of the placement, and for other major Spanish investors, with 35.73 million shares, 15 percent of the bid.
In addition, these titles will be added to the intended placement entities (Caja Madrid, Citigroup, JP Morgan, La Caixa, Santander and UBS Investment), which may exercise their right on the 2.93 percent of the company, 23, 82 million shares.
After placement, 58.98 percent of capital Itinere will be held by Sacyr Vallehermoso, while advisers and senior management of the company controlled 6.71 percent, and the rest of the shareholders will own 34, 31 percent.
Income from PAHO was intended primarily to cancel debt of the company Sacyr amounting to 191 million euros, as well as to fund an expansion plan, which set aside 146.4 million and another 70 commitments to cope with existing investments .
Itinere Infraestructuras, a company born of the merger last December 31 in Europe and the former Itinere Infraestructuras, is listed on the market continuously.
The company is dedicated to manage administrative concessions transport-as highways, railways, transport interchanges or airports and hospitals.
At present participates in 43 concessions (35 highways, three hospitals, two interchanges, one subway line, a concession area of services and an airport) and is present in seven countries (Spain, Chile, Brazil, Costa Rica, Portugal, Ireland and Bulgaria), although 80.5 percent of its revenues come from Spain.
The titles of Itinere rose 1.21 percent yesterday on the Stock Exchange, up 4.89 euros.
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