Apr 26, 2008
Regularisation procedure.

About 900 cases of foreign workers without papers were filed Friday, April 25 in five prefectures in the Ile-de-France, or will be in the coming days. Their applications should be studied case by case, the government refusing any mass regularisation procedure.
The number of cases filed is greater than the number of strikers - about 600 - which, since April 15, demanding their regularisation. According to the CGT, which oversees this movement, the strikers working mostly in catering, construction or cleaning businesses, have added three other categories of foreigners wishing to be regularized: Women who work in private homes, employees without payroll and employees laid off since the obligation in July 2007 for employers to verify the papers of their employees.
Entrepreneurs, share your experience
You are an entrepreneur, you employ or have employed illegal aliens. What are the problems you encountered? Do you support calls for regularization of undocumented workers?
This movement divides the employers. While the Medef, the Confederation of crafts and small enterprises in the building (Capeb) and the UPA (craftsmen) remain silent, the president of the Trades Union of the hospitality industry (UMIH), Andre Daguin, expressed support for the regularization of employees hired before July 2007 and reported by their employer. According to him, nearly 50 000 people are involved in its sector. It is estimated that in France between 200 000 and 400 000 illegal aliens. If a large majority work without being reported, a number have employment contracts, pay taxes and social contributions.
Thursday, April 24, during his intervention in the media, Nicolas Sarkozy had described as "hypocrites" employers who were working illegal immigrants and now demanding the regularization of them. "There are 22% unemployment among immigrants regularly. That does not make me believe, when one boss is small or otherwise, we are obliged to fetch a hapless illegal to do this work, whereas among immigrants that we gladly welcome, who have papers, which are reported, there are 22% unemployed, "said the head of state.
The owners concerned have taken this very badly made, according to testimony gathered by Le Monde. "If I was a thug, I would have hired black," observes one of them. Many employers say they do not have been aware of the illegality which are their employees and want to help them regularize their situation. They believe that a departure of these foreign workers would penalize their businesses.
For their part, some strikers admit to having worked for several years under a false identity.
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