Aug 1, 2008

Electricity: EDF demand higher rates "more equal" to inflation

Electricity: EDF demand higher rates' more equal 'to inflation
The CEO of EDF, Pierre Gadonneix, said Friday have requested the State higher regulated electricity tariffs for households "equal to or less than inflation, which could amount to about 3% this years, at a press conference.

EDF has asked the government increased "differentiated" tariffs for its customers.

The increase of less than or equal to inflation concerns households.

For other customers of EDF, as businesses, the increase "may be superior" to inflation, "said Gadonneix.

He explained that he had requested the increase to cover "costs" of his company, in accordance with the public service contract between EDF and the rule which stipulates that the increase of tariffs set by the state, can not exceed inflation.

"Our operating costs and our volumes have increased investment under the combined effect of rising raw material prices and accelerating our programme of construction of new production capacity, maintenance and development of networks" , Said Gadonneix to justify this request for higher rates.

The regulated electricity tariffs for individuals had increased by 1.1% in August 2007.


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