Apr 27, 2008

The pilots of Air Europe convocan five days of strike

The pilots of Air Europe convocan five days of strike

El Español Union of Pilots of Air Lines (Sepla) has convened five days of Air strike in Europe for the days 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 de mayo, considering that the company vulnerará part of the convention Collective to create a new company .

The spokesperson of union Sepla-Air Europe, Luis Crespi, has said that during five months have been agotado con los responsables group Globalia, owners of the company, all the ways possible to prevent the negotiation of the mobilizations. The Convocation of strike was also develops, si no hay acuerdo, 22 days after the start of the next month of June, all the lunes, miércoles y viernes de manera indefinite though is so scrupulous respetarán los servicios minimum.

Jaime Garrido, responsible trade union of Air Europa, ha dicho que para la huelga cuenta con el respaldo del cien por cien del collective and that the "the strike is the only way that we leave." It also has highlighted that have avoided el puente de mayo y que realizan The Convocation of strike in two legs in order to arrive before the agreements with the company.

The responsible of Sepla have shown that the company has benefits and that the decision to create a new company, which llamará Universal, for most small aircraft flights in the low occupation, involves "decapitar part of the convention of Air Europe."

Sepla considers that the direction of the business group wants with the creation of the new company Air Europa sin dejar part of their production, with the subsequent risk for los puestos de trabajo y la vulneración de lo pactado en el convenio.

Air Europe, open to the negotiation

For its part, the spokesperson of the company Air Europe has shown that no entienden the reasons for the Convocation of the strike or why have been raised from the table of negotiations, ya que la voluntad de la empresa es llegar a acuerdos y la achieve peace company.

It also found that Air Europe, with a fleet of 33 aircraft and 527 pilots, is the only Spanish company which at present is not free of problems of purchases and sales and that remains stable and that the new company is a personal project of Juan Jose Hidalgo, president of Globalia, even without concretar.


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