Apr 25, 2008
A selection of events to find fair trade throughout France, until 11 May.

A selection of events to find fair trade throughout France, until 11 May.
The fortnight of fair trade offers a rich programme of events throughout France to learn about, discover and enjoy fair trade. The opportunity to attend concerts, festivals, conferences and debates, or even a taste of the world during tastings, in markets or in restaurants participating in the event.
In Paris and the Paris region
Around the capital, a large number of markets where you can enjoy food and buy all sorts of fair trade products. In Paris intramural, you can meet a large number of actors Fair Trade Forum National Trade Fair Saturday, April 26, the Cite des Sciences et de l'Industrie in Paris. It is the inevitable event that opens the 8th half of fair trade.
A Marseilles
From 1 to May 5, Urban Gallery, on the course Franklin Roosevelt in Marseilles, many events are the appointment. Visiting continents by dressing and discover fair trade in music, is not it a good idea? This is what you propose to management four students who put up a fashion ethics. The opportunity to discover the collections of brands of fair trade clothing on sale at the exhibition.
In Lyon
A large number of animations, performances, markets and concerts and a festival of Latin dance are planned throughout the Fortnight, in Lyon. One way to find fair trade products that surely will please you: restaurants of Lyon. They put their art of table service at a trade fair for the great pleasure of your taste buds. Fifteen restaurants are participating in Operation Restaurants Equi'tables 2008 'a la carte menu cooked from fair trade products.
You've done all markets, you've traversed the city from top to bottom, the time has come to party. The SoLatino Festival is another event not to be missed. It offers seven nights in seven places with more than 70 hours of free dance classes a village in solidarity with demonstrations, a free concert and a grand ball Latin outdoors. This is the very first time outdoors this year, brings together dance, culture and solidarity.
Consult the full programme of events in Lyon.
In Grenoble
An unusual event this fortnight of fair trade takes place in Grenoble: Etiket'Bus tour the streets of the city to meet you. It will tour special place Felix Poulat, Wednesday, April 30 from 9am to 19h, and you will find local products fair and aboard his Etiket'Bus, a shop itinerant revisits the concept of small traders. To these sides, the artists love the caravan will accompany the procession to add a musical and theatrical. An invitation to travel…
A Dijon
The festival is Solidasun of animation everywhere in Dijon during this fortnight. It will include a Village Solidarity International, stands sales projections of shorts, équibars, concerts, etc.. Just to let you discover and enjoy fair trade.
A Lorient
In the vast space of 3000 square metres of the Parc des Expositions de Lorient, producers, fishermen, local artisans will be on a great show. Nine in ten themes will be discussed during conferences during the three days: the debt of southern countries, energy autonomy, cotton… and all topics related to fair trade. There will also be a great festive evening, a "fest noz" on Saturday, and a "Sound System" on Sunday.
In Strasbourg
Want to make your shopping as fair trade products? On Saturday May 13 from 10am to 19h and Sunday, May 14 from 10am to 18.30, the 6th European market for fair trade and finance solidarity will be held at Pavilion Josephine de l'Orangerie in Strasbourg. Some fifty exhibitors you will discover the richness and diversity of products from the sectors of agriculture fair and crafts from around the world and meet with producers in the South, as well as distributors in Europe engaged in this approach.
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