Apr 27, 2008
Solbes admits that the economy only crecerá en torno al 2.4%

The second vice president, Pedro Solbes, who stayed during the interview with the Cedena Ser en la que dijo que la del review in the low growth of the economy is hará "very ready" and considered that the figures of the Bank of Spain, which provides a increase of 2.4 percent of GDP for 2008 and of 2.1 percent for 2009, are "a good
Corbacho cree que el desempleo en construction will increase. Economy
The Central Executive has encrypted economic deterioration that the country suffers. The Minister of Economy, Pedro Solbes, has admitted today that the national economy no pasa por su mejor momento, por eso estimates that the economy crecerá en torno al 2.4% of GDP this year and a 2.1% for 2009.
OTR / PRESS The minister assures that costará time digest the "atracón of the construction" and that the deterioration of the situation that could cause llegue el alza del paro to reach up to 10% of the active population. The minister assures that Spain recover its growth in a couple of years.
The legislature comienza which has a major economic ante la desaceleración that afrontan Spain and its European partners. Thus the second vice president of the Government and Minister of Economy and Hacienda, Pedro Solbes, assured this morning in the Cadena Ser that the deterioration of international la coyuntura faster, it provided al Gobierno ha ha obligado rebajar seven tenths in its initial projection of growth which situaba en el 3.1%.
Solbes indicated that his department "is ending the last numbers" to conduct a review of the figures. "The analysts used systems previsión quite similar. The figures that salieron del Banco de España creo que hare unos days are a good reference", required the vice president, who añadió that the consensus of the analysts located el crecimiento de la economía en el 2 , 3% for this year and in the 1.9% for the next exercise.
In an interview in the program "Hoy por Hoy 'assured that this rebaja de las previsiones has seen a major affected by the crisis financiera registered in the United States, though the high-risk mortgages they have had a direct impact on the national economy, although it did in its level of liquidity and growth.
"It is difficult to give a concrete figure, but at the end of the analysts used systems previsión quite similar. Therefore, if the figures of the Bank of Spain hablan del 2.4% for 2008 and 2.1% for the year that comes, I think is a good reference ", afirmó Solbes.
In their opinion, the Spanish economy is "living a desaceleración economic, that a certain degree was planned after thirteen years of growth, as a consequence of desajuste between the supply and demand in the construction industry, we had a supply excessive and that has pasar a season to digest the atracón y eso going to affect us a couple of years. "
The economic plan del Ejecutivo port, according to the deputy chairman of the three tenths al crecimiento del GDP. Each tenth, explained, supondrá 1,000 million euros more than economic activity, which is traducirá in employment and in a higher quality of life for the citizens.
The minister, assured the Spanish banks in hidden losses by the subprime, has defended the sanitation and the soundness of the financial system of Spain and the validity of provisiones system of "higher" than the rest of their members.
Besides, Solbes has ensured that the surplus of State, which last year exceeded the 2% of GDP, could soportar the foreseeable increase of stop that, in the worst of cases, could rise 8.6% now to 10% of the active population, although some will be more of 9.5%, ha apuntado.
In this context Solbes has reiterated the need to involve changes in the labour market within the framework of social dialogue and has defended the moderación pay for atajar la inflación strong, but has stated that "if a company is productive in the hay no problem" in climb los sueldos "because going after taking the same costs."
"Until now, the evolution of the teaching profession has been greatly correct and we have avoided the effects of the second round" of the rise of oil, has stated before apuntar que las previsiones enumerate to close the year with a inflación close to 3%.
In relation to publication of balanzas Tax, the minister insistió en que aún quedan unos months to ultimarlas y pidió que no se las balanzas confundan with needs of funding. "No issue is a simple, donde las cosas son blancas the black the amounts indiscutibles. Hay quien piensa que la balanza tax should bring with it a transfer of resources y eso no es well", advirtió.
The vice president also economic confió en que el nuevo modelo de financiación autonomic pueda cerrarse this year. Currently, the Executive has committed to designing the "major political lines" of al summer here and want to begin the contacts with the autonomous governments to see "hasta dónde se puede llegar."
About las presuntas differences that Solbes maintained by aquel entonces con el jefe de la Oficina de Moncloa Economic and current Ministerio de Industria, Miguel Sebastian, the vice president has admitted that although discreparon in their day on topics such as tax reform to the energy sector, " now there are more approach "and in economic policy" no hay que les separen too many things.
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