Aug 1, 2008

Economic Recession or "recession nervous?

- A little more controversy in the U.S. election campaign, but a controversy which seems to us on the merits of revealing, to highlight a specific américaniste. These statements from Phil Gramm, former Senator (Texas) the right of the Republican Party, currently vice president of the Swiss bank UBS and economic adviser to John McCain. These statements, which are disorder, have been exploited by Obama and condemned by McCain himself - which, of the coup, does not seem to know his economic adviser.

• statements Gramm, in the Washington Times on July 9:

"In an interview with the Washington Times, Phil Gramm, a former Texas senator who is now vice chairman of UBS, the giant Swiss bank, said he expects Mr. McCain to inherit a sluggish economy if he wins the presidency, weighed down above all by the belief of many Americans that economic conditions are the worst in two or three decades and that America is in decline.

"" You've heard of mental depression, this is a mental recession, "he said, noting that growth has held up at about 1 percent despite all the publicity over losing jobs to India, China, illegal immigration, housing and credit problems and record oil prices. "We may have a recession, we have not had one yet."

"" We have sort of become a nation of whiners, "he said. "You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline" despite a major export boom that is the primary reason that growth continues in the economy, he said. "We've never been more dominant, we've never had more natural advantages than we have today," he said. "We have benefited greatly" from the globalization of the economy in the last 30 years.

"Mr. Gramm said the constant drubbing of the media on the economy's problems is one reason people have lost confidence. Various surveys show that consumer confidence has fallen precipitously this year to the lowest levels in two to three decades, with most analysts attributing that to record high gasoline prices over $ 4 a gallon and big drops in the value of homes, which are consumers' biggest assets . "Misery sells newspapers," Mr. Gramm said. "Thank God the economy is not as bad as you read in the newspaper every day."

• Of course, the two candidates, when they are fishing for votes, have condemned the statements Phil Gramm, who are a good market for the average voter. It may refer again to the Washington Times today. Obama has made it a clear advantage, mocking statements Gramm to the delight of an audience of 3,000 people, during a meeting of electors. McCain did the same, also in severe terms for Gramm which he seems to ask what he was doing in his place of alleged adviser. Gramm, he made a development… "Mr. Gramm expanded on his point in a telephone call to The Times on Thursday. "When I spoke of whiners at my breakfast with The Washington Times on Wednesday, I was talking about American leaders who whine instead of lead," Mr. Gramm said in the phone call. He said he was talking about American leaders who blame speculators and oil companies for high oil prices and yet have no proposal to produce more energy here at home. "[…]" We do not need whining. We need leadership. "

Phil Gram is a hard liberal and a Liberal sauce U.S. - which means a hyper-liberal hard drive, a trend that would describe as "Social Darwinism" in reference to the mainstream in the financial management U.S. economic and in the years 1920 and 1930 (until the arrival of Roosevelt). For this trend, an "economic crisis" or financial merit always désapprobateurs quotes because it is primarily a crisis of psychology (not need quotation marks) citoyen-travailleur/consommateur, which is no longer enough nor worker enough consumer. If the economy stumbles, because those who claim to be served by it are no longer the arrivals.

The mood joined the years 1920 and 1930, without a doubt. A reference to billionaire Andrew W. Mellon will be the case. In addition to being a billionaire, philanthropist, the third U.S. fortunes in the 1920 behind Rockefeller and Ford, etc.., Mellon was Treasury secretary during the unusually long time, under three successive presidents (1921-1932); one can say that 'And he was the architect of the economic and financial structure of the USA during the 1920 until the Great Depression. Faced with the Great Depression, he was in favour of a reduction in federal spending and opposed any aid to people affected by the crisis. He said the President Hoover, about mass unemployment the years 1931-33, that "he [unemployment] rid the body of social parasites and unnecessary" - which perfectly defines the "economic natural selection" which is the dynamic feature of social Darwinism.

The mood of a Gramm, which is widespread in the elite economic, financial and political U.S., found that of Mellon. It shows how the transformation prepared in the USA in 1970 with "Powell Manifesto" and launched by Reagan is perfectly integrated.

The fragility psychologioque

Here is a new psychological disorder: "recession nervous" as a complement to "nervous breakdown". It is the diagnosis of Dr. Gramm, who criticises this nation "pleurnichards" ( "whiners", not to be confused with "winners"). These comments are outrageous, grotesque caricature, and so on.? (Of course, "putting a point" Gramm has no interest in addition to being false - GW, the current Grand Leader of the Great Republic, not a "pleurnichard" at all points of view. It is, from Gramm, a simple correction required by the intervention of candidate McCain as well as by the measure of damage caused by his statements in a campaign that must adhere to the strict demagoguery.)

Yet, no, we can not ship the commentary Gramm two or three qualifiers derogatory. In reality, it touches upon an essential point, even if the interpreter foolishly, and / or a partisan manner, and / or excessively so. It should be noted that Gramm takes great care not to talk about the "financial crisis" if not incidentally, he actually spoke of "real economy", the economic situation with its effects at the human level (social and individual).

It is true that "the crisis" is first in the head, according to the notion that economic crisis can also be understood as a change in accounting and statistical an event does not necessarily decisive. A queue of unemployed is a queue of unemployed and there are even when the economic situation is flourishing. It is the perception that has suddenly transformed the accounting and statistical variation "in a crisis that takes a decisive and can be transformed into a monstrous event out of control. From this viewpoint goal situates the importance of the psychological factor, Gramm is right.

It is also true that some countries have held in conditions of "crisis" that the U.S. economic might not supported. It is also true that many nations would have much better "view" than did the USA during the Great Depression (by the way, the Great Depression did not hit the USA, as we know, only that country but was pushed by it to the brink of disintegration). Our thesis is that the constant phenomenon almost "civilization" that formed the Great Depression in the USA due primarily by the psychological fragility of Americans. FDR understood perfectly the thing, as we know, and therefore perfectly expressed his inaugural speech of March 4, 1933 ( "The thing we have to have the greatest fear is fear itself" [ "We have nothing to fear but fear itself, "adapted from a sentence quotation from the nineteenth century writer Henry David Thoreau] - what's more psychological than fear?).

In this way, Gramm gives us, perhaps unwittingly, an overview of the crisis possibly being developed in the USA. It is a psychological crisis, affecting the area fundamental structure the USA, that country without historical dimension and without regal structure, and that from the outset. The economic rule in the USA, this reality has resulted in the paradox that what counts in this economic aspect is what is not economical, the effects of the economy outside the economic sphere, where everything is weakened by the absence of historical basis, and particularly the more fragile is the psychology of individual private cement foundation of collective history. An "economic crisis" in the U.S. is not a specific crisis is a general crisis is the crisis of the system because it reveals the fragility of its components in areas outside the economic sphere (including psychology).

What we paradoxically Gramm said, arguing that the U.S. economic power is still enormous and significant is that precisely this power is not measured to judge its effectiveness psychological in economic terms. It is measured in terms of stability that U.S. economic power is able to provide, or to impose its components, including citizens - and that is why, despite its power still existing, America is in crisis and declining because it can no longer impose stability, for various reasons. Gramm is right involuntarily and then beyond, it is wrong when he advocated a contrario the Social Darwinism. The U.S. population is least able to bear the social Darwinism because of psychological fragility while the USA is the country's social Darwinism. Since 1933, and the magician FDR, the worst has been avoided thanks to towers pastime successive passes are mobilizations on which one can make a Hollywood narrative (War II, the Cold War, the War against Terror, etc. .). Today, the "recession nervous" seems to be able to eventually take precedence over all stratagems of the system. Politicians are at least as nervous as their voters.


Blogger SBVOR said...

The data say:
No recession.

8:19 PM 

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