Aug 16, 2008

In bookstores, books on Obama are legion and himself in an apparent in September

Just go into any large bookstore to the USA to realise that: books on the presidential election monopolize rays "political" and "news". And especially the two candidates Barack Obama and John McCain. But it is the senator from Illinois who wins the respect of the number of publications. He is also clearly more to sell, according to several statistics. Books "for" and "against". The books very critical against Obama in this case are more numerous.

Released at the height of summer, "The Nation Obama, leftism and cult of personality" seems the most scathing ... and caricature. This pamphlet of nearly 400 pages explains why the "extreme leftism" Obama led the USA to ruin. According to the inescapable classification "books" The New York Times, "The Obama Nation" by Jerome Corsi is at the top of all sales.

The author is the one who had already published a book anti-Democrats in 2004, "Unfit to Command", the indictment against candidate John Kerry who faced George W. Bush. The team has Obama campaign Thursday to respond to this book, denouncing point by point the various lies, factual errors, inaccuracies and attacks on the book by Corsi.

And most importantly, on September 9 released the next new book by Barack Obama himself "Change we can believe in": or rather, its political programme, seven of his main campaign speech since the early primary (counting also the one delivered to the Democratic National Convention in 2004 and who had made known) and a portfolio (photos campaign). The draw is scheduled for 300,000 copies and revenue structure will be fully repaid to charities, according to the Obama camp. The senator from Illinois is already the author of two best-sellers, "Dreams from my Father" and "The Audacity of Hope".


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