Aug 16, 2008

For Rove, will play Colorado, Virginia, Michigan and Ohio

We must leave something to the former eminence grise - the brain, as many have known - George W. Bush: he must have a gift, he has at least a boundless passion for the Study of the American electoral map, state by state, county by county ... In the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, Karl Rove delivers its analysis with respect to key states that will win on November 4 for either candidate to the U.S. presidential.

Most political observers and strategists refer to permanently Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida (roughly every four years). As a reminder, a candidate for the White House must win 270 votes in the electoral college (the famous electors), every state won by a candidate is entitled to all electors allocated to it (their number is proportional to the demography of State).

The former strategist and personal adviser to Bush points to a priority four states singled out for this election 2008: Colorado (9 electors), Virginia (13), Michigan (17) and Ohio (20). For each of these states, Rove develops in detail his mathematical analysis and electoral, which is based on the comparison of results of 2004 between Bush and Kerry. He cites as a second step, Florida, Pennsylvania, Nevada, New Hampshire, Missouri and Wisconsin. It just feels that his prognosis is for John McCain ...


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